Monday, February 14, 2011

A Cure for the Valentine’s Day Blues!

For those of you who believe Valentine’s Day is a consumerist conspiracy targeting weak-minded or sappy individuals, and conning them into purchasing mass quantities of chocolate, roses, greeting cards and lingere……alright, fine, you may have a point.

BUT! I would also like you consider that it’s not Valentine’s Day itself that is the culprit, but the way we choose to celebrate it. What’s so terrible about having one day a year when we can say “I love you!” to that special someone?

And I don’t just mean for those of you currently seeing someone. I mean ANY special someone. Someone who brings joy into your life whether it’s family, friends, or that guy who got on your bus the other day wearing an outfit that would put Cee Lo’s Elmo-inspired Grammy suit to shame. (Or don’t tell that guy…I guess it depends on how attached you are to having all your fingers.)

To illustrate my point I would like to bring to your attention two of the most enamored individuals I know:

They don’t need cards, flowers or fancy dinners to make an impression. It’s been love from first wag for these two.

So maybe we all just need to take a step back and remember that it’s the simple, every day gestures, like a full body slam followed by a vicious display of teeth and ending in gentle kisses, that show someone how much you care.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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