Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Love Week Part 2!

To avoid sounding preachy or overzealous about this whole love business, I thought I would address a topic that can probably not be disputed by anyone anywhere.

I love food.

Food food food! Cheesy pizza, chocolate cake, grilled shrimp and tacos, who cares? It's all DELICIOUS! (In moderation of course, let's not get too crazy here America.)

I thought everyone would enjoy an example of how my dogs catch food. This video documents how Ruby and Max handle food tossed at them EVERY TIME. Except once. Max once caught a piece of baked potato I tossed to him, and the entire family was floored in our surprise. Miracles do happen!

Yep, right in the face. Every time.


  1. Max continues to be my favorite thing in existence. <3 himmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

  2. I second Goosifer.
