Monday, February 8, 2010

Max and Ruby's First Post!

It was suggested that Max and Ruby need their own blog. After further consideration the consensus is in: YES THEY DO! These two noodle-brains need a public forum because their antics are too ridiculous. For those of you who live in the sad world without Max and Ruby, let me recap. Ruby and Max are BFFs. There is really no other term for it. Ruby, my newfoundland is the size of a small horse...maybe even a medium sized one. Max, my golden retriever, is only 2 but has already had to have surgery twice. Once because he ate his own collar. For their very first post, Ruby and Max have requested that we journey back to the days when they were still portable.

Baby Ruby!

Baby Max and Year Old Ruby

3 Month Max


Max and Ruby would like to thank you for reading their first blog! They assure you, they won't let the fame go to their heads.


  1. MOUNTAIN OF PUPPIES! Excellent name for the blog btw

  2. They were SO CUTE when they were little. Aww Baby Max and Baby Ruby!

    (I think you should include some stories about Bailey and Ruby. Those are funny too!)

  3. Good call! I will have to think up my next post...
